Today I started auditioning fabrics for the background. Most of the colours are too dark, as I want a bleached beach look, so I am waiting for fabrics I have placed on order. However, I just wated to try out how it might start to look with more colour in the background. I don't think it will be a problem to apply large pieces of fabric and (thank goodness) the more fiddly and tedious parts are now done. I just have a little bit of detail to attend to around the girl's arm and some shadow details. I am pretty happy with how it is shaping up now!

I love to keep a quilt journal as I make a quilt. Here are a couple of pages from my journal for "The Sky is Blue, the Sea is Blue".

I like to use the A3 Visual Diaries the best. It is great to go over it and see how ideas developed. It's also an excellent place to keep information I need to keep. On one page I have pasted details of quilt show deadlines to remind me to get a move on!

After I washed out the Verona (soluble clear film) some areas were not stitched down well enough. I will simply baste these and attend to them once I start the more detailed, intense quilting on the final piece.

I love the look of the piece after washing out. I am especially pleased with the overall softness of the quilt. I didn't want the stiff result that comes when using fusible webbing. It is OK on stained glass, but not for this quilt. More soon...............
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