Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

We've had a quiet Christmas with family and these days with children grown up, moved away and getting on with lives (which do not yet include children of their own), the day no longer has the excitement of a tree, unwrappaing presents and so on.  Perhaps at this stage of our lives when we really don't need anything (wants are another matter!), we are now more conscious of giving to others.  For the past couple of years, we have donated a sewing machine via Care Australia, which goes to a needy woman in a developing country so that she start a business and supplement the household income.



ShaunaArt said...

What a good idea donating a sewing machine.
Hope 2012 is full of fun and excitement and lots of creative things!

ShaunaArt said...

What a good idea donating a sewing machine.
Hope 2012 is full of fun and excitement and lots of creative things!