Friday, February 18, 2011

Charleville, Mitchell and Roma, south-west Queensland quilt clubs visit

Where else can you find  fabric shop that is like the tip of an iceberg - 9/10 of the fabrics are stored away in shipping containers, former residences, etc?  or where can you find a shop that combines a love of opalls with Janome sewing machines?  Plus the bonus of an artesian spa to soak away the effects of a long drive...  Here are some photos from Kathy's "Scrap Happy" workshops. Participants used Kathy's Accuquilt Studio cutter to trun "sraps" into blocks and strips and were inspired by kathy's easy-to-make designs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy
    It was great to have you visit & the acququilt was heaps of fun to use.

    We are glad you liked your visit to the west.
